
This module contains templates to help you reduce the amount of boilerplate when writing Deserializer or Visitor objects.


To get the Nim data type from any data format, you need to write an object that implements the Visitor pattern. When deserializing, you pass your Visitor object to the deserializer. Next, the deserializer, depending on what type of data it encountered in the raw data, calls a method from the Visitor object.

Your Visitor must implement the following methods:

proc expecting(self: Self): string

proc visitBool(self: Self, value: bool): MyType
proc visitInt8(self: Self, value: int8): MyType
proc visitInt16(self: Self, value: int16): MyType
proc visitInt32(self: Self, value: int32): MyType
proc visitInt64(self: Self, value: int64): MyType

proc visitUint8(self: Self, value: uint8): MyType
proc visitUint16(self: Self, value: uint16): MyType
proc visitUint32(self: Self, value: uint32): MyType
proc visitUint64(self: Self, value: uint64): MyType

proc visitFloat32(self: Self, value: float32): MyType
proc visitFloat64(self: Self, value: float64): MyType

proc visitChar(self: Self, value: char): MyType
proc visitString(self: Self, value: sink string): MyType

proc visitBytes(self: Self, value: openArray[byte]): MyType

proc visitNone(self: Self): MyType
proc visitSome(self: Self, deserializer: var auto): MyType

proc visitSeq(self: Self, sequence: var auto): MyType
proc visitMap(self: Self, map: var auto): MyType
where Self is the type of your Visitor object and MyType is the type you want to get from the deserializer.

The expecting method is used to generate a meaningful error message when the deserializer encounters an unexpected type of data. For example, if you expect a bool value, but the deserializer encounters a string, the error message will be something like Expected bool, but got string.

As you can see, no matter what type of data the deserializer encounters, your Visitor must return your type. Of course, not every type can be derived from bool or None. In such a case, it is recommended to throw out the exception.

Note: The library, at the moment, does not restrict in any way which exceptions you throw, but it is recommended to use the InvalidType exception with the raiseInvalidType procedure. raiseInvalidType uses the expecting method to generate a meaningful error message.

Let's write a Visitor for our type that accepts only even numbers. It is painful to write an error for every unexpected type on your own, so we use the implVisitor template. The implVisitor generates methods but you can override them.

import deser

  EvenInt = distinct int
  EvenIntVisitor = object

proc `$`(self: EvenInt): string = $

# implVisitor requires that Visitor has a Value parameter. Value is your type.
template Value(visitor: EvenIntVisitor): type = EvenInt

You can specify Value in a different way:

  EvenInt = distinct int
  HackType[Value] = object
  EvenIntVisitor = HackType[EvenInt]

echo EvenIntVisitor.Value
echo EvenIntVisitor().Value

# The body of the methods is not much different, so let's write a template and use it.
template visitBody: EvenInt {.dirty.} =
  if value mod 2 == 0:
    when value is SomeSignedInt:
      raiseInvalidType(initUnexpectedSigned(value), self)
      raiseInvalidType(initUnexpectedUnsigned(value), self)


proc expecting(self: EvenIntVisitor): string =
  "even int"

proc visitInt8(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int8): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt16(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int16): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt32(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int32): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt64(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int64): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint8(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint8): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint16(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint16): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint32(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint32): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint64(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint64): self.Value = visitBody

Let's check EvenIntVisitor by getting a sequence of EvenInt from json:

import deser_json

# To make an `EvenInt` deserializable, you need to write a `deserialize` procedure.
proc deserialize(Self: typedesc[EvenInt], deserializer: var auto): Self =
  mixin deserializeAny

echo seq[EvenInt].fromJson("[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]")
echo seq[EvenInt].fromJson("[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]")
Full code:

import deser, deser_json

  EvenInt = distinct int
  EvenIntVisitor = object

proc `$`(self: EvenInt): string = $

# implVisitor requires that Visitor has a Value parameter. Value is your type.
template Value(visitor: EvenIntVisitor): type = EvenInt

# The body of the methods is not much different, so let's write a template and use it.
template visitBody: EvenInt {.dirty.} =
  if value mod 2 == 0:
    when value is SomeSignedInt:
      raiseInvalidType(initUnexpectedSigned(value), self)
      raiseInvalidType(initUnexpectedUnsigned(value), self)


proc expecting(self: EvenIntVisitor): string =
  "even int"

proc visitInt8(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int8): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt16(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int16): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt32(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int32): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitInt64(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: int64): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint8(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint8): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint16(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint16): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint32(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint32): self.Value = visitBody

proc visitUint64(self: EvenIntVisitor, value: uint64): self.Value = visitBody

# To make an `EvenInt` deserializable, you need to write a `deserialize` procedure.
proc deserialize(Self: typedesc[EvenInt], deserializer: var auto): Self =
  mixin deserializeAny

echo seq[EvenInt].fromJson("[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]")
# Error: unhandled exception: invalid type: integer `1`, expected: even int [InvalidType]
echo seq[EvenInt].fromJson("[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]")


To gain access to the elements of the sequence, the Visitor gets a SeqAccess object in the visitSeq method.

SeqAccess has the following methods:

proc nextElementSeed(self: var Self, seed: auto): Option[seed.Value]

proc nextElement[Value](self: var Self): Option[Value]

proc sizeHint(self: Self): Option[int]

iterator items[Value](self: var Self): Value

All methods except nextElementSeed are implemented by default using the implSeqAccess template.


To gain access to the elements of the map, the Visitor gets a MapAccess object in the visitMap method.

MapAccess has the following methods:

proc nextKeySeed(self: var Self, seed: auto): Option[seed.Value]

proc nextValueSeed(self: var Self, seed: auto): seed.Value

proc nextEntrySeed(self: var Self, kseed: auto, vseed: auto): Option[(kseed.Value, vseed.Value)]

proc nextKey[Key](self: var Self): Option[Key]

proc nextValue[Value](self: var Self): Value

proc nextEntry[Key, Value](self: var Self): Option[tuple[key: Key, value: Value]]

proc sizeHint[Self: Self](self: Self): Option[int] = none(int)

iterator keys[Key](self: var Self): Key

iterator pairs[Key, Value](self: var Self): (Key, Value)

All methods except nextKeySeed and nextValueSeed are implemented by default using the implMapAccess template.



IgnoredAny = object
The type to skip some elements. Used when skip pragmas are used.   Source   Edit
NoneSeed[Value] = object
  Source   Edit


template implDeserializer(selfType: typed{`type`}; public: static[bool] = false) {.
Generate forward declarations for Deserializer.   Source   Edit
template implDeserializer(selfType: typed{`type`}; public: static[bool] = false;
                          defaultBody: untyped) {.dirty.}
Generate Deserializer procedures with defaultBody as implementation.   Source   Edit
template implMapAccess(selfType: typed{`type`}; public: static[bool] = false) {.
Generate forward declarations and default implementation for MapAccess.   Source   Edit
template implSeqAccess(selfType: typed{`type`}; public: static[bool] = false) {.
Generate forward declarations and default implementation for SeqAccess.   Source   Edit
template implVisitor(selfType: typed; public: static[bool] = false) {.dirty.}
Generate forward declarations and default implementation for Visitor.   Source   Edit